Chuech, S. G., Chen, Chuan-Chih, Lu, Jen-Chih, and Yan, Ming-Ming, 2007, "Design and implementation of an ejector driven micropump", Energy Conversion and Management, Vol48(10), pp2657-2662 . (SCI)
Chuech, S. G., and Yan, Ming-Ming, 2006, "Application of the TVD Scheme to the Nonlinear Instability Analysis of a Capillary Jet," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, available online, 2006. (SCI)
Chuech, S. G., 2006, "Spatial Instability of a Viscous Liquid Sheet," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 50, No. 12, pp. 1461-1474. (SCI)
Chuech, S.G., and Yan, M. M., 2006, "Effect of Velocity Field on Drop Formation of a Capillary Jet in the Rayleigh Regime," The Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 135-144. (SCI)
Chuech, S. G., Przewas, A. J., and Wang, Chih-Yuan, 2004, "Numerical Modeling for Atomization of Coaxial Liquid/Gas Jets," Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 12, No.4, pp. 290-299. (EI)
王長志, 闕振庚, 2001, "高速液體噴流不穩定表面波成長對霧化之影響", 技術學刊, 第十六卷, 第一期, pp. 37-45.
Chuech, S. G., 1993, "Numerical Simulation of Nonswirling Annular Liquid Jets," AIAA Journal, Vol. 31, No.6, pp. 1022-1027. (SCI)
Chuech, S. G., Przekwas, A. J., and Singhal, A. K., 1991, "Numerical Modeling for Primary Atomization of Liquid Jets," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 7, No.6, pp. 879-886. (SCI)
Mao, C. P., Chuech, S.G., and Przekwas, A. J., 1991, "An Analysis of Pressure Swirl and Pure Airblast Atomization," Journal of Atomization and Sprays, Vol. 1, No.2, pp. 215-235. (SCI)
Chuech, S.G., Lai, M.-C., and Faeth, G. M., 1989, "Structure of Turbulent Sonic Underexpanded Free Jets," AIAA Journal, Vol. 27, No.5, pp. 549-559. (SCI)
Faeth, G. M., Gore, J. P., Chuech, S.G., and Jeng S.-M., 1989, "Radiation from Turbulent Diffusion Flames", Annual Review of Numerical Fluid Mechanics & Heat Transfer: Volume II, Edited by C. L. Tien and T. C. Chawla, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York, pp. 1-38. (EI)
Conference Papers
Chuech, S.G. and Huang, Wu-Cheng, 2006, "The Effects of Injection Angle on the Shapes of Annular Liquid Films," Proceedings of 6th Conference on Membrane Science and Technology, Chungli, Taiwan.
Chuech, S. G. and Huang, Wu-Cheng, 2005, "Numerical Simulation for Annular Liquid Films," Proceedings of 5th Conference on Membrane Science and Technology, Chungli, Taiwan.
Chuech, S.G., 2004, "Numerical Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Instabilities of a Viscous Thin Liquid Film," Proceedings of 4th Conference on Membrane Science and Technology, Chungli, Taiwan.
Chuech, S.G., and Mao, C. P., 1992, "An Analysis of Fuel and Air Interaction Near Spray Breakup Region in Airblast Atomizers," ILASS - Americas 5th Annual Conference, San Ramon, California.
Mao, C. P., and Chuech, S.G., 1991, "Numerical Analysis of Pressure Swirl Atomizers," The 5th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Gaithersburg, Maryland.
Chuech, S.G., 1991, "A Comparative Study of Temporal and Spatial Instabilities of a Two-Dimensional Liquid Sheet," Proceedings of the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, HTD, Vol. 187, pp.19-25. Atlanta, Georgia.
Mao, C. P., and Chuech, S.G., 1991, "Numerical Analysis of Pressure Swirl Atomizers," NIST Special Publication, No. 813, pp.225-232.
Mao, C. P., Chuech, S.G., and Przekwas, A. J., 1990 , "Analysis of Pressure Swirl and Pure Airblast Atomization," American Society of Mechanical Engineering (Conference Paper), No. GT88 9P.
Przekwas, A. J., Chuech, S.G., and Gross, K. W., 1990, "Progress in Numerical Modeling of Primary Atomization of Liquid Jets," ILASS - Americas 4th Annual Conference, pp. 32-36, Hartford, Connecticut.
Przekwas, A. J., Chuech, S.G., Yang, H. Q., and Gross, K. W., 1990, "Mathematical Modeling of Liquid Jet Atomization," International Symposium on Gas Liquid Two-phase Flows, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas.
Chuech, S.G., Przekwas, A. J., Yang, H. Q., and Gross, K. W., 1990, "Direct Simulation for the Instability and Breakup of Laminar Liquid Jets," AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE 26th Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA Paper No. 90-2066, Orlando, Florida.
Yang, H. Q., Przekwas, A. J., and Chuech, S.G., 1990, "On Satellite Drop Formation in Liquid Jet Atomization," AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE 26th Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA Paper No. 90-1960, Orlando, Florida.
Mao, C. -P., Chuech, S.G., and Przekwas A. J., 1990, "An Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Pure Airblast Atomization," 1990 ASME TURBO EXPO, the 35th International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exposition, ASME Paper No. 90-GT-88, Brussels, Belgium.
Przekwas, A. J., Chuech, S.G., and Singhal A. K., 1989, "A Status Report on Numerical Modeling for Primary Atomization of Liquid Jets," ILASS - Americas 3rd Annual Conference, Irvine, CA.
Przekwas, A. J., Chuech, S. G., and Gross, K. W., 1988, "Computational modeling development for liquid propellant atomization," Proceeding for the 25th JANNAF Combustion Meeting: Vol. II, pp. 81-92, NASA MSFC, Huntsville, Alabama.
Przekwas, A. J., Chuech, S.G., and Singhal A. K., 1989, "Numerical Modeling for Primary Atomization of Liquid Jets," AIAA 27th Aerospace Science Meeting, AIAA Paper No. 89-0163, Reno, Nevada.
huech, S.G., Lai, M. -C., and Faeth, G. M., 1988, "Structure of Turbulent Sonic Underexpanded Free Jets," AIAA 26th Aerospace Science Meeting, AIAA Paper No. 88-0700, Reno, Nevada.
Other Publications
Chuech, S.G. and Huang, Wu-Cheng, 2006, "The Effects of Injection Angle on the Shapes of Annular Liquid Films," Proceedings of 6th Conference on Membrane Science and Technology, Chungli, Taiwan.
Chuech, S.G., 1991, "Spatial Instability of 2-D Liquid Film Jets," Delavan Report No.575, Gas Turbine Products, Division, Delavan Inc., West Des Moines, Iowa.
Chuech, S.G., and Mao, C. P., 1990, "Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Pressure Swirl Atomizers," Delavan Report No.566, Gas Turbine Products, Division, Delavan Inc., West Des Moines, Iowa.
Chuech, S.G., and Przekwas, A. J., 1989, "Numerical Modeling of Airblast Atomization," Delavan Report under Contract No.35104, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, Alabama.
Chuech, S.G., and Przekwas, A. J., 1989, "FILM : A Computer Program for Analysis of Airblast Atomizers and User's Manual," Delavan Report under Contract No.35105, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, Alabama.
Chuech, S. G., Przekwas, A. J., and Singhal, A. K., 1988, "A computer code for liquid jet atomization in rocket thrust chambers," NASA SBIR Report under Contract No. NAS8-37620, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, Alabama.
Chuech, S. G., Lai, M.C., and Faeth, G. M., 1987, "The structure of sonic underexpanded turbulent air jets in still air," ONR Report under Contract No. N00014-85-K-0604, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Jeng, S. M., Gore, J. P., Chuech, S. G., and Faeth, G. M., 1985, "An investigation of turbulent fires on vertical and inclined walls : Flame radiation," NBS Report under Grant No. NB81NADA2044 & 60NANB4D0032, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania.
un, T. Y., Chuech, S. G., Parthasarathy, R. N., and Faeth, G. M., 1985, "Turbulent Noncondensing and condensing gas jets in liquids," ONR Report under Contract No. N00014-85-K-0148, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania.